On 9 February 2024, we will stop supporting Android 7 and lower. Read more about the details in this post.


We use SSL certificates to create a secure connection to our servers. Like many companies, we rely on Let’s Encrypt to sign these certificates. Let’s Encrypt will drop support for Android 7 and lower, which means we can no longer establish a secure connection.

If you’re interested in the technical details, check out this blog from Let’s Encrypt.

What do you need to do? 

You, as Account Owner, should check with your users who are using Android 7. 

How can you check the Android Version?

  1. Open the settings of the phone.

  2. Near the bottom, click on “About phone”. 

  3. Here you will see the Android version.

 If the user is on Android 7, take one of the following actions:  

#1 Upgrade to Android 8
Upgrade the device to Android 8 if possible. Be aware that Android 8 was released in 2017 and stopped receiving security updates as of October 2021. Therefore, we recommend upgrading to a new(er) device.

#2 Switch to a new(er) device
Switch to a new(er) device as the newest Android version is already 13. Therefore, you won’t have any problems in the future with the latest update.

#3 Install Firefox on the device and use the Web App 
Even if the App no longer works on Android 7, you can still download Firefox Mobile and use our Web App.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via support@moreapp.com.